Lessons Learned While Building A Team

"You do not select a team, you select a group of people and then work together to develop into a team...teams don't instantly become, they evolve"

Coach K from the Introduction of his book, The Gold Standard

Sunday, May 30, 2010


Most of us can remember someone from our family or neighborhood that sacrificed themself to maintain our freedom. If you can't think of someone readily, click on the title "Thanks!" and read some of the stories of our greatest heroes.

Enjoy a great holiday with family. I am looking forward to time with friends on the golf course...but I certainly plan to stop and think about the War Veteran's that allowed me the opportunity to do so in safety, and to say a prayer for our current warriors that are here and abroad keeping us safe.



Coach S

"It is foolish and wrong to mourn the men who died, rather we should thank God that such men lived"
-- General George Patton

1 comment:

  1. AMEN!
    PS I saw Kylie toninght at worship with Mary and I told her I left a blog comment about her. Your daughter's exact words:
    "My dad has a blog???????"
